VHCC's 2021 Legislative Week Kicks Off Feb. 17
Every year, the Vermont Housing and Conservation Coalition (VHCC) hosts Legislative Day at the State House -- a day when affordable-housing and conservation supporters come together to champion the projects supported by Vermont Housing and Conservation Board (VHCB) funding. Those projects include Cathedral Square housing communities and initiatives to support our residents.
This year the event is going virtual. Join us at noon on Wednesday, Feb. 17, on Zoom for a one-hour kickoff of what this year is VHCC Legislative Week. Legislators need to hear from you –- residents who benefit from the housing and programs of Cathedral Square and SASH – about how VHCB-funded projects are helping solve some of Vermont’s most pressing issues. Together, our partnership with VHCB helps fight homelessness, improves water quality, creates affordable housing, supports downtown development, protects Vermont’s priceless landscape, and promotes rural economic development, including working farms and the forest economy.
In addition to the one-hour kickoff at noon on Feb. 17, the event will include virtual testimony in committees throughout the week. There also will be videos, stories and more ways to connect online.
The event is co-sponsored by Cathedral Square, Champlain Housing Trust and the Vermont Land Trust. Please register at https://us02web.zoom.us/.../reg.../WN_ue0uTSguSruJ3fhIwBID7g.
Visit the Facebook event page (https://www.facebook.com/events/3572618299517381) or email Molly Dugan of Cathedral Square, one of the four VHCC co-chairs, at dugan@cathedralsquare.org.