We Are Cathedral Square
We are housing developers, caregivers, maintenance specialists, health care professionals, social workers and public-policy advocates dedicated to promoting healthy homes, caring communities and positive aging. At Cathedral Square, older adults and people with disabilities and other challenges can live their lives to the fullest -- in communities where age and wisdom are valued and respected, where diversity in all its forms is welcome and celebrated.

Our Homes
Stable, affordable housing is the foundation of health, financial stability and quality of life. This is especially true as we age. At Cathedral Square, we offer a range of housing and support -- for older adults living independently, for people with disabilities, and for those needing extra help to remain living at home -- that is second to none.

Our Services
Our residents have on-site access to the programs and services of SASH® (Support and Services at Home), a free program of health and wellness shown to improve health and quality of life, reduce medical expenses, and help people remain living at home as they age. SASH includes activities, special events and outings, and regular check-ins.

Our 'Why'
At Cathedral Square, the work we do and reason we do it is simple and straightforward: We believe that every person, regardless of financial means, personal circumstance or stage of life, has the right to quality, stable housing and the supports they may need to live their life to the fullest in the place they call home.
Looking for Job Opportunities?
Tap into your passion for social impact by pursuing job opportunities in the nonprofit sector, where you can make a difference in the lives of others and contribute to a better world.