Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I have to be considered low income in order to live in a Cathedral Square apartment?
A: No. Approximately 10% of the housing we offer is market rate, meaning that most of the time there are no income restrictions.
Q: Is there a waitlist to get into Cathedral Square housing?
A: Yes, each of our communities has a waitlist. All waitlists are maintained strictly by the date we receive a completed application. The number of vacancies in a community varies at any given time, and waitlists can range from six months to five years or more. There are many factors involved in filling an apartment that make it difficult to estimate the length of the wait. Please call our office 802-863-2224 or email us at to find out more about the communities that interest you.
Q: Can I visit a property to see it in person?
A: Yes. Please contact us at 802-863-2224 or to schedule a tour. Note that you can view floor plans and photos of each community by visiting those pages. Please do not stop by a property unless you have scheduled a visit through our main office.
Q: Do you have both one- and two-bedroom apartments?
A: It depends on the property, but most of our communities offer both one- and two-bedroom apartments. The exceptions are Monroe Place and South Burlington Community Housing, which offer one bedroom only, and Scholar’s House, which also has three-bedroom apartments. In addition, Independence Place, Ruggles House and Richmond Terrace also offer efficiencies.
Q: What are the advantages of living in a Cathedral Square apartment?
A: Cathedral Square is 100% resident-focused, and we work hard to keep our properties in excellent condition. We have an on-site property manager/SASH coordinator at each of our properties to help residents as needed and to coordinate programming and activities, such as exercise classes, outings, guest presentations, cooking classes and more. We also have 24/7 on-call maintenance in case of an emergency, and Cathedral Square residents receive priority in moving into our assisted-living communities.
Q: Are pets allowed?
A: Yes, each household may have up to two common household pets, but no more than one dog. Aquariums cannot exceed 10 gallons. A refundable damage deposit is required for each pet.
Q: What is the monthly rent?
A: Rent varies by the community, number of bedrooms, and whether you are eligible for a subsidized, tax-credit or market-rate apartment.
- Subsidized: If your household income is low enough and you qualify by age or disability, you may be eligible for a subsidized apartment. “Subsidized” means that the government pays part of your rent each year -- the amount remaining after you pay approximately 30% of your adjusted annual income. If your income is $20,000, for example, your rent would be about $6,000 a year, or $500 a month. Each year Cathedral Square would “certify” you to determine whether you are still eligible and whether your rent amount should be adjusted up or down.
- Tax credit: Rent for a “tax-credit apartment” is reduced based on the tax-credit investment a bank or other entity made to help finance the building. Income limits apply, but you can earn more than you can for a subsidized apartment. Rent is a set amount (not based on income) and may increase annually. As with subsidized apartments, you must be certified each year to ensure you remain eligible for this program. As noted below, you can use a Section 8 voucher for a tax-credit apartment.
- Market rate: Rent for these apartments is set at or slightly below the area’s market-rate rent. No income limits apply, so you do not need to be certified each year. Section 8 vouchers may be used for these apartments as well.
Q: What about Section 8 vouchers?
A: If you have a Section 8 voucher (sometimes called a “portable voucher,” because you can take it with you when you move), you can apply it to a Cathedral Square tax-credit or market-rate apartment. In this case, you would pay the same rent as you would for a subsidized apartment -- about 30% of your household income. For more information or to apply for a Section 8 voucher, contact the Burlington Housing Authority (if in Burlington), the Winooski Housing Authority (if in Winooski), or the Vermont State Housing Authority.
Q: Can I own a home and still rent a Cathedral Square apartment?
A: Yes, but your Cathedral Square apartment must be your primary residence. If you are in a subsidized or tax-credit apartment, however, any income you earn from your house or the sale of your house could put you above the maximum income you can have in order to remain eligible for your apartment.
Q: If I need to be away for several months, will Cathedral Square hold my apartment?
A: If you rent a subsidized or tax-credit apartment, there are limits to how many days you may be away during a calendar year and for what purpose. If you rent a market-rate apartment, we will hold your apartment as long as you continue to pay your rent.
Q: Can my partner and I rent a two-bedroom and pay subsidized rent?
A: It is uncommon to allow a couple to live in a subsidized two-bedroom apartment unless there is a clear medical reason for the second bedroom. This is not the case with tax credit and market-rate apartments, which have no restrictions on the allocation of two-bedroom apartments.
Q: I have a relative who is still able to live independently but can no longer maintain their home. How do I help them decide which Cathedral Square community is the right fit?
A: Start by reviewing our housing options for independent living. Use the filter to narrow your choices, then click to see detailed information about the properties that interest you. Note that each property has its own eligibility requirements. With the exception of most market-rate apartments, all apartments have income limits.
Q: Can someone help me fill out the application if I need assistance?
A: Yes, we are happy to help. Please contact us at 802-863-2224 or to schedule an appointment at our main office, located at 412 Farrell St. in South Burlington.