Application for Cathedral Square Housing

To apply for Cathedral Square housing, please complete the online application below. Note that you are able to save your application and continue it later if needed before submitting. Alternatively, you can can download and submit a PDF application you can print and complete manually or a "fillable" application you can complete on your device and email to us.
If you are applying for a subsidized apartment in certain communities, you also must apply to the Burlington Housing Authority or the Vermont State Housing Authority. (This will be noted in the "Eligibility" section of the property description if relevant.) You can download a BHA application or a VSHA application here.
Be sure to complete all sections, as we cannot accept incomplete applications. If you have any questions about the application process, please contact us via email at or by phone at (802) 863-2224.
Resident Non-Discrimination & Anti-Racism Policy
We expect everyone at Cathedral Square – including staff, residents, volunteers, visitors, and family members – to treat each other with dignity, respect, kindness, and empathy, and always to reinforce the self-worth of our staff and residents. We are committed to the letter and spirit of state and federal laws regarding equal opportunity and non?discrimination. We expand this to mean that we do not discriminate based on race or skin color, national origin, religion, disability, age, familial or marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, income, diagnosis including HIV status or other factors. Moreover, we do not tolerate racist, abusive, and other forms of disrespectful language or acts. If anyone exhibits such behavior, we will intervene promptly and take appropriate steps, up to and including the person’s expulsion from Cathedral Square.