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Cathedral Square Welcomes New Board Members

Dr. Susan McMillan, Peg Maffitt, and Patricia Pomerleau have been named to the Board of Directors for Cathedral Square. “We are thrilled to welcome these three highly accomplished Vermonters to our dedicated team of leaders,” says Cathedral Square CEO Kim Fitzgerald. “They each bring a wealth of experience and expertise to our organization. Their diverse backgrounds and commitment to community well-being align seamlessly with our mission to provide quality, service-enriched, and affordable homes for older Vermonters and people with diverse needs.”

St Paul’s Cathedral Celebrates 50th Anniversary

I was delighted to celebrate the 50th anniversary of St. Paul’s Cathedral in Burlington with so many others whose lives have been positively impacted by the church’s strong social mission. It was a great opportunity for me to reflect on the history of Cathedral Square and the connection we will always have with St. Paul’s. In fact, we wouldn’t be here today without them!

Kelley's Field II Groundbreaking Celebration

Cathedral Square and Evernorth announced today that construction has begun on Kelley’s Field II, 24 new energy-efficient affordable apartments for adults 55 and older in Hinesburg. Situated next to Kelley’s Field I, Kelley’s Field II is the second phase in the larger Kelley’s Field development project and will offer 24 energy-efficient apartments with a mix of affordable and market-rate rents. The building is being constructed to Efficiency Vermont’s “High Performance” standard for energy efficiency, and rents include heat, air conditioning, electricity, hot water, and laundry.

2023 Legislative Session Recap

Cathedral Square’s top three legislative priorities fared well after a tumultuous end to the 2023 legislative session. Increases include Medicaid reimbursement rates and the Vermont Housing & Conservation Board (VHCB) base budget, plus one-time funding to continue the SASH for All pilot and invest in housing production and rehabilitation. None of these priorities would have been realized without working with partner organizations through coalitions such as the Long-Term Care Crisis Coalition, the Vermont Housing and Conservation Coalition, and the Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition, to name a few.

Cathedral Square Receives 'Welcome to the Neighborhood Award' for Bayview Crossing

Cathedral Square’s Bayview Crossing community in South Hero received a Welcome to the Neighborhood Award at Vermont Housing & Conservation Board’s 35th anniversary celebration earlier this month. The award was presented to Cathedral Square, Champlain Islanders Developing Essential Resources (CIDER), and the Town of South Hero for “your extraordinary dedication over many years to develop housing in the Lake Champlain Islands."

State of Vermont and partners building a new visionary plan: Age Strong Vermont

Age Strong Vermont serves as a roadmap for state agencies and lawmakers, business owners, social service agencies, town and city planners, and the healthcare industry to build a coordinated and efficient system of services over the long-term, with the overarching goal of enhancing and securing the right for all Vermonters to age safely and happily, with dignity and respect.

Cathedral Square Receives Vermont Green Building Award for Elm Place in Milton

Cathedral Square’s Elm Place in Milton received a Green Building Award last week at the eleventh annual Vermont’s Greenest Building Awards, hosted by the Vermont Green Building Network (VGBN). This award is given to projects demonstrating energy use intensity at least 50% below the regional average energy use for buildings of the same end use and incorporating other sustainability features.

Cathedral Square Meets $1 Million Capital Campaign Fundraising Goal

Cathedral Square announced that they met their $1 million fundraising goal for Memory Care at Allen Brook, their Williston-based residence for very low-income Vermonters on Medicaid and the only truly affordable memory-care residence in the state. The capital campaign was created last October to pay off the remaining debt on the property, a need identified when the pandemic caused unprecedented increases to their operating budget. Now that the debt is paid off, Allen Brook will remain sustainable into the future.

Kim Fitzgerald Is Top Finalist for Remarkable Women Award

Cathedral Square CEO Kim Fitzgerald is a top finalist for the Remarkable Women Award, part of a nationwide Nexstar Media initiative to honor the influence that women have had on public policy, social progress, and the quality of life. In Vermont, there are few issues bigger than the challenge in finding affordable housing, especially for seniors. For Kim Fitzgerald, helping older Vermonters is a part of who she is.

Speak Up for Affordable Housing

The Vermont Housing and Conservation Coalition (VHCC) Legislative Day presents an opportunity for housing and conservation partners to raise awareness about the importance of Vermont Housing and Conservation Board (VHCB) investments and community results. Legislators need to hear from you—Vermonters doing the work on the ground—about ways VHCB investments are addressing some of Vermont’s most pressing issues, such as homelessness, water quality, rural economic development, and more.