Advocate for affordable housing with us!

Helen Rock of Champlain Housing Trust and Molly Dugan of Cathedral Square at VHCC Legislative Day in 2023.
Vermont Housing & Conservation Coalition Legislative Day 2024
The Vermont Housing & Conservation Coalition (VHCC) is hosting its annual Legislative Day at the State House in Montpelier on Wednesday, February 14 and we hope you will join us! This is an opportunity for you to speak directly with your elected officials about why affordable housing is important to you. Several of our staff will be there throughout the day to help you connect with your legislators and share your story. We also encourage you to reach out to your legislators in advance, let them know you will be there, and ask them to meet you in the cafeteria during lunch time. They want to hear from you!
Draft schedule
- 7:30 – 9:00 — Coffee and pastries in the cafeteria
- 11:00 – 1:00 — Individual meetings and lunch with lawmakers
- 3:00 — Welcome on the House Floor
- 1:00 – 4:00 — Committee testimony
- 3:30 – 5:00 — Ice cream social
To help you prepare, here are Cathedral Square's 2024 legislative priorities.
Reach out to your legislators now to schedule meetings.
Please reach out to Molly Dugan if you are interested in attending and challenged by transportation.