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Board of Directors

Cathedral Square Board members, from left to right, starting at top: Tim Sampson (president), Sarah Muyskens (vice president), Peg Maffitt (secretary), Aaron Ferenc (treasurer), Chol Dhoor, Stephen Leffler, Mark Levine, Susan McMillan, Bud Ockert, Patricia Pomerleau, Lacey Smith, Susan Stock, Nancy Snyder, and the Very Rev. Greta Getlein.

Cathedral Square is an independent, nonprofit and nonsectarian organization established in 1977. Our organization began when Burlington's Cathedral Church of St. Paul donated a portion of its land to build a residence for seniors of modest means and people with disabilities, which church leaders had identified as a priority social need in the area. By charter, Cathedral Square’s Board of Directors is elected by the vestry of St. Paul’s Cathedral.

Tim Sampson, President
Downs Rachlin Martin

Sarah Muyskens, Vice President
Retired Consultant
Community Volunteer

Peg Maffitt, Secretary
Retired Capital Campaign & Development Director
Community Volunteer

Aaron Ferenc, Treasurer
Deputy Commissioner
Vermont Department of Financial Regulation

Chol Dhoor
Executive Director
Sudanese Foundation of Vermont

Stephen Leffler, M.D.
President and Chief Operating Officer
University of Vermont Medical Center

Mark Levine, M.D.
Commissioner of Health
Vermont Department of Health

Rev. Susan McMillan, D.V.M.
Diocese of Vermont Liaison to Vermont Interfaith Action

Carroll “Bud” Ockert
Retired Colonel
U.S. Army

Patricia Pomerleau, R.N.
Retired, Hospital Management
Community Volunteer

Lacey Smith
Assistant Director, Crisis, Advocacy, Intervention Programs Unit
Burlington Police Department

Nancy Snyder
Retired Real Estate Agent &
Cathedral Square Resident

Susan Stock
Retired, Health Care Consulting
Community Volunteer

The Very Rev. Greta Getlein, Ex Officio
Dean & Rector
Cathedral Church of St. Paul