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We Are Cathedral Square

We are housing developers, caregivers, maintenance specialists, health care professionals, social workers and public-policy advocates dedicated to promoting healthy homes, caring communities and positive aging. At Cathedral Square, older adults and people with disabilities and other challenges can live their lives to the fullest -- in communities where age and wisdom are valued and respected, where diversity in all its forms is welcome and celebrated.

Looking for Job Opportunities?

Tap into your passion for social impact by pursuing job opportunities in the nonprofit sector, where you can make a difference in the lives of others and contribute to a better world.


Cathedral Square by the Numbers

Housing Communities
Are low Income or very low income as defined by HUD
Receive rent subsidies or have another type of discounted rent
Have a handicap or disability
Had no home before coming to Cathedral Square
Households are on the wait list for Cathedral Square housing

OpEd: We Must Care for Our Most Vulnerable

Long-term care communities support our most vulnerable. For far too long, direct care staff have been underpaid and underappreciated. During the pandemic, they were our heroes – caring for people 24/7. During COVID outbreaks, they went to work in gowns and shields, continuing to offer compassionate care, often risking their own lives. Yet the Governor’s budget doesn’t seem to care for them. While we are grateful that the budget does include necessary funding for our SASH® (Support and Services at Home) model, the SFY26 budget does not include an increase in funding for long-term care providers and communities that accept Medicaid.

Speak up for affordable housing with us!

The Vermont Housing & Conservation Coalition (VHCC) is hosting its annual Legislative Day at the State House in Montpelier on Friday, February 14 and we hope you will join us! VHCC advocates for the State to allocate funds to the Vermont Housing & Conservation Board, allowing for more affordable housing to be built and more open space and farms to be conserved. This is an opportunity for you to speak directly with your elected officials about why affordable housing is important to you. Several of our staff will be there throughout the day to help you connect with your legislators and share your story.

Cathedral Square Announces New Board Members

Cathedral Square, a leading nonprofit committed to addressing the critical need for affordable housing for older adults and people with diverse needs in Vermont, proudly announces the appointment of Dr. Stephen Leffler, Lacey Smith, and Susan Stock to its esteemed Board of Directors. “We are thrilled to welcome these three highly accomplished individuals to our board this year,” says Cathedral Square CEO Kim Fitzgerald. “We look forward to the innovative ideas and fresh perspectives they will bring to our organization.”